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Hey friend,
Happy new year and welcome back to my blog!
This week I wanted to share my thoughts on a topic I’ve seen floating around on YouTube a lot, which is femininity. During my time in quarantine last year, aside from reading books, exercising, and exploring new things, there was a multitude of videos I watched on this topic and they really spoke to me in a unique way. I’ve always loved all things girly and pink although when It comes to femininity there is a lot more involved.
This week I wanted to share my thoughts on the theme and some tips on how you can embrace your journey.
Now, I know some of you may be wondering what is a femininity journey and surely if you’re a female this automatically means you have a feminine journey but this isn’t exactly the case. Let’s look at the definition of the word first, according to Oxford Languages the definition of femininity is the qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women.
This is a very vague definition and can be interpreted in many different ways, to expand on it a little here’s my definition: Femininity consists of a women’s style, charm, confidence, and level of maturity. In my opinion, it means understanding who you are as a woman and what space is yours to take up on this planet. It’s also accepting that you have feminine strengths and weaknesses and that you can learn and grow with women beside you or those who have gone ahead of you with a devoted heart.
I genuinely believe it is a journey and requires a lot of intentionality until mastered although some women’s journeys are more easily conquered than others. This is simply because growing up as female we have many different types of women that can influence us and some may maintain more “feminine” characteristics than others.
For me, my mum played a huge role in my Feminine journey growing up. Aside from her, my childhood inspirations for feminine style was Hilary Banks from “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and Cher and Dionne from “Clueless”. (Feminine style is a whole other area)
So, we see here that there are many factors pertaining to being feminine. From my own personal experience here are a few simple tips that may be useful to you:
Nurture your feminine environment – I would define your feminine environment as a location or group of people that empower you to feel ladylike. I would say the best way to shape this environment is by surrounding yourself physically or following women on social media who maintain the feminine attributes you desire to cultivate.
Follow your bliss – I say bliss because this is something that brings you joy. Who doesn’t like being around someone who is joyous? If you haven’t already you should spend time finding out what you are passionate about. What brings you bliss? This is seductively lethal because once you have it no one can take it away from you. This is something you can’t find in any human being on the planet. It is within you! A feminine lady who is aware of her bliss is unstoppable.
Guard your gates – One thing I say to myself is “If it doesn’t apply (to me), then let it fly” this reads as “If it don’t apply, let it fly” (Can you see how it rhymes?). I think what makes a feminine woman amazing is her ability to graciously accept what people say and be humble enough to make changes to herself when necessary. Guarding your gates is the practice of being open without allowing people to completely dilute you.
The theme of femininity has many facets and it is a deeply personal journey, in no way do these simple tips cover femininity as a whole. These are just a trickle of my tips that I believe are important as they focus on the internal and I think that’s a good place to start.
I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this blog post and I hope what I’ve shared with you will encourage you to embrace your journey. Below I will have share one of my favourite femininity YouTube channels.
Till next time,
Lots of love,
Sasha xx
This was really enjoyable read, I’m working on embracing my femininity. I love that I’m discovering new things about myself and aligning myself with other ladies who are on the same journey. I love the feminine fancy she’s great to watch as is Linda Sandry xx
Hey Kym! I’m happy you enjoyed reading this post. Yes, discovering new things is super exciting! Thanks for sharing your journey. Yes Felicia is lovely… I haven’t heard of Linda Sandry, I’m certainly going to check her page. Thank you! xx
Really enjoyed this piece girlie
Love the emphasis on the femininity journey being unique to each woman
Amazing tips !!
This made me love being a woman even more
Off to follow my bliss 🙂
Hey Girly, I’m happy you enjoyed this blog post. Yess, it’s a super individual journey. Glad to hear it’s let an impression on you. Thank you! xx