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My Top 5 Essential travel tips

Reading time: 3 minutes

Hey everyone,

So this week I thought I’d share my top 5 Essential travel tips. I think when it comes to travelling, we can all agree there is no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you take an indirect flight because it’s cheaper or choose to bring just hand luggage for your trip, the choice is yours.

However, with that being said, I thought I’d share some tips that I’ve found useful from my past travel endeavours. Here we go!

  1. Pack at least two days’ worth of clothing into your hand luggage. The airport does an excellent job of keeping track of luggage; however, just like everything else in life, things can sometimes go left. I remember travelling with my family and extended family to Nigeria, and we took an indirect flight via Amsterdam. Somehow half of our luggage didn’t arrive when we did, and as a result, we didn’t have our luggage for about the first 3 days of our trip. This was frustrating and created extra expenses for our trip. Having at least two days’ worth of outfits with you in your hand luggage means that if your luggage does arrive a day or two late, you still have fresh clothes to get into.
  2. Get a luggage tag. If you don’t have one, I would definitely have recommended investing in one. They are literally like 80p on amazon. A luggage tag is simply extra security just in case of the very rare instance the airline tag is removed. Be sure to attach it to your checked-in luggage and include very basic information such as your initials, flight info, e-mail address and maybe your hotel contact number at the very least. Keep this information vague for security reasons.
  3. Always have a picture of your suitcase to hand. Following on from my first two points. I think that having a picture of your suitcase and picking or customizing your suitcase is a smart thing to do. This is simply for identification purposes. If your suitcase if unique, it’s not likely to be picked up by someone else. Additionally, if you have a photo to hand in the case there is an issue with your luggage rather than provide a long-winded description, you can provide a picture.
  4. Get an early flights if possible. For those of you who are not early birds, I understand that waking up early can be a bit of a chore. Although when it comes to catching a flight, from experience, I think It’s the best thing to do. My Departure flight from Barcelona to London in 2017 was a late evening flight that was cancelled. This was purely the fault of the airline (Norwegian airlines), and I was told that they didn’t have any later flights in addition to no flights available with any other airlines that evening. I was placed into a hotel for an additional night’s stay, which put a slight damper on what was a fantastic trip. This experience taught me that the earliest flights are always a safe option to avoid an unwanted extra night’s stay.
  5. Don’t bring or pack anything you would cry about if you lost it. – Travelling is all about exploring, adventure and relaxation. I lost a really lovely ring when I went to Greece in 2016. Since then, I told myself it’s best not to pack anything too expensive or of sentimental value.

Thank you for reading this week’s post. I hope my tips have made you think a little deeper and what’s essential to you when you travel.

Till next week.

Lots of Love,


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  • A luggage tag is so important should you lose it or anyone confuse your belongings to theirs and I don’t have a picture in my suitcase but I might just do that in my future travels.
    Great tips!!

    • CallmeSasha says:

      Yess agreed! A picture of your suitcase is very handy 🙂 xx

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